Does Goodwill Wash Their Clothes? Everything You Need to Know!

Shopping at Goodwill stores is a great way to find good quality, affordable second-hand clothes while also helping to support a good cause.

But are the clothes they sell clean or should they be washed before wearing them?

In this guide, we will go over everything you need to know about buying and washing second-hand clothes from Goodwill.

Does Goodwill Wash the Clothes They Sell in Their Stores?

Goodwill does not wash or dry clean any donated second-hand clothing that they sell in their stores. This includes dresses, shirts, pants, and any other type of clothing.

Why Goodwill Does Not Wash Donated Clothes

The main reason why Goodwill does not wash or dry clean donated clothes is to keep their prices as low as possible.

Washing and drying clothing requires a lot of resources and labor. The costs of washing machines, dryers, employees, detergents, and other resources can add up quickly. By not washing donated clothes, Goodwill is able to keep its prices as low as possible so that more people can afford them.

How Goodwill Prepares Donated Clothes for Sale

Even though Goodwill does not wash any of the second-hand clothing they sell, there are still steps they take to ensure that the clothes are clean and safe for customers.

Sorting the clothes:

The first step every garment goes through is sorting. Goodwill employees go through each item and sort them by size, color, type, and condition.

Inspecting the clothes:

After the initial sorting process, each garment is inspected for stains, damage, or any other flaws that may deem it unfit for sale. This is also where dirty or heavily soiled items are determined to be unsellable.

Disinfecting and deodorizing the clothes:

Although Goodwill does not wash any of the donated clothing, they do disinfect and deodorize each item. This ensures that each item is free from bacteria, mold, and other potential contaminants.

Labeling and pricing:

Once the clothes have been sorted, inspected, and disinfected they are labeled and priced according to the item’s condition and quality.

Should You Wash Clothes from Goodwill?

If you are purchasing second-hand clothing from Goodwill, it is highly recommended that you wash each item before wearing them. The disinfecting and deodorizing process will help to reduce the risk of any contamination, but washing with detergent will ensure that you get rid of any lingering bacteria, germs, or other contaminants.

Tips for Washing Clothes from Goodwill

There are a few tips to keep in mind when washing second-hand clothes from Goodwill:

Wash before wearing: This is the most important step. Never wear a second-hand garment without washing it first. Although Goodwill does disinfect and deodorize all donated items, washing with detergent will ensure that you get rid of any lingering bacteria or germs.

Check the label for washing instructions: Every garment is different and some may require special care when it comes to washing. Always check the labels to see if there are any special instructions on how to wash the garment. If you run into a situation where the tag or washing instructions are missing, you can play it safe and hand-wash the item in cold water with a mild detergent.

Wash separately from other clothes: Although the item was disinfected, it is still recommended that you wash second-hand clothes separately from your other garments. This will help to prevent any cross-contamination and make sure the item is as clean as possible.

Hang dry to avoid shrinkage: Drying second-hand clothes can be tricky because some items may have been washed in hot water or dried in a dryer before. To avoid any potential shrinkage, it is best to hang dry the item instead of placing it in the dryer.

Inspect for damage: After washing and drying the garment, inspect it for any signs of wear and tear or damage. This is a good time to make any repairs or alterations to the garment before wearing it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some common questions people have when it comes to washing clothes from Goodwill.

Are clothes sold at Goodwill dirty?

No, Goodwill does not sell dirty or soiled clothing. All of the items for sale have been inspected and disinfected to reduce the risk of any contamination.

Do I need to wash clothes from Goodwill?

Yes, it is highly recommended that you wash second-hand clothes from Goodwill before wearing them.

Why do second-hand clothes from Goodwill smell?

Second-hand clothes may have a musty or stale smell due to several reasons. The most likely reason is odors embedded into the fabric from the previous owner. Another reason is likely due to the spray-on disinfectant and deodorizer that Goodwill uses on all donated items. Washing the item will get rid of any lingering odors.

Why do thrift stores smell like dirty laundry?

Most stores that sell used clothes will have a similar smell that is a result of trapped odors embedded within the fabrics. Although the items have been disinfected and deodorized, this may not always fully remove the smell. To get rid of any odors, it is best to wash each garment with detergent before wearing it.

What does Goodwill spray their clothes with?

Most thrift stores, including Goodwill, use a combination of disinfectants and deodorizers to clean and freshen the clothing items for sale. These products are usually safe for use on fabrics, but it is recommended you wash any used item before wearing it the first time.

Does Goodwill repair clothes?

No, Goodwill does not repair or alter clothes before selling them. Any damaged or heavily stained clothing is either recycled or donated to a third-party organization.

Can I return clothes to Goodwill?

Yes, most thrift stores, including Goodwill, offer a return policy. Check with your local store for their specific guidelines.

Final Thoughts

Now that you know more about how Goodwill prepares their donated clothing for sale, you can shop confidently and safely.

Remember to always wash your garments before wearing them, check the label for washing instructions, and inspect each item for damage or wear and tear. With these tips in mind, you’ll be sure to find a stylish and affordable way to update your wardrobe.

Happy shopping!