How to Clean Headlights Using Toothpaste: A Surprising Yet Effective Solution

So, you’ve heard that toothpaste can clean your car’s headlights and you’re curious to give it a try before spending a fortune on replacing them. Well, you’ve come to the right place!

In this blog post, we’ll explore the magic of using toothpaste to clean your headlights, and I’ll share some practical tips and advice on how to do it yourself.

So, let’s get started!

Can You Clean Headlights with Toothpaste?

Yes, you absolutely can! In fact, toothpaste is one of the best materials for cleaning headlights. It has a mild abrasive action that will remove dirt and grime easily without scratching your headlights. Plus, it’s relatively cheap and easy to find in most stores.

The Magic Behind Toothpaste

Toothpaste is a mildly abrasive cleaner that can remove built-up grime and oxidation from your headlights. It’s the same reason it works so well to remove stains and plaque from your teeth. Plus, it’s a budget-friendly and eco-friendly alternative to commercial headlight cleaning kits. But before we dive into the toothpaste method, you might also want to consider other washing techniques for cleaning headlights, like using WD-40.

Gather Your Supplies

To get started, you’ll need:

  • Toothpaste (preferably a non-gel, white paste with baking soda)
  • Water
  • A clean cloth or sponge
  • Microfiber towel or soft cloth for drying
  • Masking tape (optional)

How to Clean Headlights Using Toothpaste

Once you’ve gathered your supplies, it’s time to start cleaning. Below are the steps you need to take:

Step 1: Prepare Your Work Area

Before you start, make sure your car is parked in a shaded area, and your headlights are cool to the touch. This helps prevent the toothpaste from drying too quickly and makes it easier to work with.

Step 2: Clean the Headlights

Give your headlights a quick clean with soap and water to remove any loose dirt and debris. This ensures you won’t be rubbing any grit into the headlight surface while scrubbing with toothpaste. If you’re looking for a good car wash soap, check out our post on whether you can wash your car with shampoo.

Step 3: Protect Your Car’s Paint

This step is optional, but it’s a good idea to protect your car’s paint by applying masking tape around the edges of your headlights. This creates a barrier between the toothpaste and your car’s paint, preventing any potential damage.

Step 4: Apply Toothpaste to Your Cleaning Tool

Squeeze a generous amount of toothpaste onto your clean cloth or sponge. You want enough to cover the entire headlight surface. Using a non-gel, white toothpaste with baking soda is recommended because it offers mild abrasiveness, which helps remove the grime and oxidation.

Step 5: Scrub Your Headlights

Using circular motions, scrub the toothpaste onto your headlights. Apply a bit of elbow grease and focus on the most clouded and yellowed areas. Spend about 5 minutes on each headlight to achieve the best results. You can dampen the cloth or sponge slightly to make it easier to spread the toothpaste evenly.

Step 6: Check Your Progress

Take a step back and examine your headlights to see if they’re starting to look clearer. If necessary, apply more toothpaste and continue scrubbing until you’re satisfied with the results.

Step 7: Rinse Off the Toothpaste

Once you’re done scrubbing, use a clean cloth or sponge soaked in water to rinse off the toothpaste residue. You might need to rinse a couple of times to remove all traces of toothpaste. Be gentle during this step to avoid scratching the headlight surface.

Step 8: Dry and Inspect Your Headlights

Use a microfiber towel or soft cloth to dry your headlights. Inspect them closely to ensure all the toothpaste residue is gone and the surface is clear and bright. If needed, repeat steps 4-7 for any areas that still appear foggy or yellowed.

Now you have successfully cleaned your headlights using toothpaste! Remember, this method is a temporary fix and might need to be repeated every few months to maintain optimal clarity.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use any type of toothpaste to clean my headlights?

While it’s possible to clean headlights with most types of toothpaste, it’s best to use a non-gel, white toothpaste that contains baking soda. This type of toothpaste has a mild abrasive quality that helps remove grime and oxidation more effectively.

How often should I clean my headlights with toothpaste?

Cleaning your headlights with toothpaste is a temporary fix, so you may need to repeat the process every few months to maintain optimal clarity. However, the frequency depends on factors such as weather conditions, exposure to sunlight, and road debris.

Will toothpaste damage my car’s paint or the headlight’s plastic?

Toothpaste is a mild abrasive, and when used properly, it should not damage your car’s paint or the headlight’s plastic. To be safe, you can apply masking tape around the edges of your headlights to protect your car’s paint. Additionally, avoid applying too much pressure while scrubbing to prevent any potential damage to the headlight’s plastic.

Can I use toothpaste to clean other parts of my car?

While toothpaste can be an effective cleaner for headlights, it’s not recommended for cleaning other parts of your car, as it may not be suitable for various surfaces and finishes. Stick to using car-specific cleaning products for the rest of your vehicle.

Is toothpaste better than commercial headlight cleaning kits?

Toothpaste can be a budget-friendly and eco-friendly alternative to commercial headlight cleaning kits. However, the effectiveness of toothpaste may not be as long-lasting as dedicated headlight restoration products. You might need to repeat the toothpaste method more frequently to maintain the same level of clarity.

Final Thoughts

Cleaning your headlights with toothpaste is an effective and budget-friendly solution that can bring new life to your foggy headlights. Remember, though, that this method is a temporary fix and might need to be repeated every few months.

For more car cleaning tips, don’t hesitate to explore our other articles, such as should you pressure wash under your car and are cheap pressure washers worth it.

Give this toothpaste trick a try, and you’ll be amazed by the difference it can make for your headlights! And hey, why not share your experience in the comments below? We’d love to hear from you!