How to Wash a Pendleton Blanket: A Comprehensive Guide

Pendleton blankets are renowned for their timeless warmth and luxurious feel. And if you’re lucky enough to own one, you’ll want to do everything you can to keep it looking like new.

Washing your Pendleton blanket the right way may take a bit of extra effort, but the results are worth it.

This blog post will cover everything you need to know about washing and caring for your Pendleton blanket.

Can You Wash a Pendleton Blanket?

You can safely wash most wool blankets, including those made by Pendleton, by following the care instructions provided.

How Can I Wash a Pendleton Blanket at Home?

Depending on the fabric content and design of your Pendleton blanket, you can choose from 3 different methods of washing your blanket at home.

  • Hand Washing
  • Machine Washing
  • Spot Cleaning

How to Handwash a Pendleton Blanket

Handwashing is the safest and most gentle way to clean your Pendleton wool blanket. This method is recommended for any blankets with intricate designs or detailed trim, as well as wool and cashmere blends.

To hand wash your Pendleton blanket:

1. Fill a basin or bathtub with lukewarm water and add a mild detergent that’s designed for delicate fabrics.

2. Submerge the blanket and allow it to soak for 10-15 minutes.

3. Gently agitate the fabric with your hands to help release dirt and stains.

4. Drain the basin and rinse the blanket under cold running water until all traces of soap are removed.

5. Carefully squeeze out any excess water from the blanket before laying it flat to dry.

How to Machine Wash a Pendleton Blanket

Machine washing is another effective way to clean your Pendleton blanket at home, but it’s important to stick to the instructions provided in order to avoid damaging the fabric.

To machine wash your Pendleton blanket:

1. Start by checking all labels and care instructions that came with your blanket.

2. Place the blanket in a washing machine using the delicate or wool cycle, and set the temperature to no higher than 86°F (30°C).

3. Use a mild detergent formulated for delicates, such as Woolite or another similar product.

4. Once the cycle is finished, remove the blanket and lay it flat to dry.

How to Spot Clean a Pendleton Blanket

For small stains or areas of dirt and grime, spot cleaning is the best way to clean your Pendleton blanket without having to wash it in its entirety.

Here’s how to spot-wash your Pendltone blanket:

1. Start by dampening the affected area with cool water.

2. Apply a mild detergent directly onto the stain and use a soft brush to work it in.

3. Rinse the fabric with cool water and blot dry with a clean cloth.

4. Allow the area to air dry completely before folding or storing your blanket away.

By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your Pendleton blanket will remain looking as good as new. With the right care and maintenance, you can be sure that it will provide years of warmth and comfort.

Tips for Caring for Your Pendleton Blanket

There are some additional tips to help keep your Pendleton blanket looking perfect no matter how often you use it.

Avoid Fabric Softener: Avoid using fabric softeners when washing or drying your Pendleton blanket as this can affect the look, feel and smell of the fabric.

Read Care Instructions: Make sure to read all care instructions carefully, even if you’ve previously washed your blanket. Different designs come with different requirements.

Vacuum Away Dust: To prolong the life of your Pendleton blanket, vacuum it regularly with the upholstery attachment to remove dust and debris.

Store Properly: Store your Pendleton blanket in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. This will protect it from any moth damage and help it retain its original shape and color.

Mild Detergent: Only use mild detergent when washing your wool blanket and make sure it doesn’t contain any abrasives or bleach.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I machine wash my Pendleton blanket?

Although the care instructions might not say so, most Pendleton blankets can be safely machine-washed on the delicate or wool cycle and only using cold water.

Are all Pendleton blankets machine washable?

Pendleton blankets that have delicate trim, and intricate designs or are made of wool and cashmere blends are not machine washable. Your only options will either be to spot clean, hand wash, or dry clean.

At what temperature should I wash my Pendleton blanket?

Whether you’re machine washing or hand washing your Pendleton blanket, you should always use cold water (no higher than 86°F/30°C). Hot water can shrink the wool fabric.

How often should I clean my Pendleton blanket?

It is recommended to clean your Pendleton blanket at least once a year. However, if you use it regularly you should consider washing it more often.

Can I iron my Pendleton blanket?

Wool blankets are very durable and can handle a bit of heat. However, applying too much heat in a small area can cause it to shrink and become deformed. So, it’s best to avoid ironing your Pendleton blanket and instead air dry it flat for the best results.

Can I dry my Pendleton blanket in the dryer?

If you’re short on time or don’t have the space to air dry your Pendleton blanket, you can use a tumble dryer on the low-heat setting. However, make sure to remove it as soon as it’s finished to prevent any shrinking or damage.


It is important to take good care of your Pendleton blanket so that it can provide you with warmth and comfort for years to come.

By following the instructions on washing and spot cleaning, you can ensure that your blanket will remain looking like new. With a little bit of patience and effort, you can make sure that your Pendleton blanket retains its original beauty and feel.

If you have any questions or concerns about caring for your Pendleton blanket, you should always consult the care label that comes with the product.

Alternatively, you can contact a professional cleaner for further advice.