Common Mistakes to Avoid When Washing a Weighted Blanket

We all love our weighted blankets for the comfort and relaxation they bring, but keeping them clean can be a bit of a challenge.

To ensure your blanket stays in top condition, it’s essential to avoid common washing mistakes.

In this article, we’ll go over some of the most common missteps and offer tips on how to sidestep them. Let’s dive in!

Mistake 1: Ignoring the Manufacturer’s Care Instructions

Always follow the manufacturer’s care instructions, which can usually be found on the blanket’s care label. These guidelines provide essential information on washing, drying, and caring for your weighted blanket. Not following the instructions can result in damage to your blanket or shorten its lifespan.

How to Avoid: Always read and follow the care instructions provided by the manufacturer. If you’re unsure about any of the steps, contact the manufacturer for guidance.

Mistake 2: Using the Wrong Detergent

Using the wrong detergent can harm your blanket’s fabric and filling. Harsh detergents can cause fading, shrinkage, or even damage the weighted filling.

How to Avoid: Choose a detergent that’s suitable for your blanket’s fabric and filling type. Check out our guide on how to choose the right detergent for washing a weighted blanket for more information.

Mistake 3: Overloading the Washing Machine

Overloading your washing machine with a heavy weighted blanket can put undue stress on the appliance, potentially causing damage to both your blanket and the machine.

How to Avoid: Make sure your washing machine can handle the weight of your blanket. If it’s too heavy, consider washing it at a laundromat with a large-capacity machine or hand washing the blanket instead.

Mistake 4: Not Pre-Treating Stains

Skipping stain pre-treatment can make it difficult to remove stubborn stains during the regular wash cycle.

How to Avoid: Pre-treat stains with a stain remover or a small amount of detergent before washing. Be sure to use a stain remover that’s safe for your blanket’s fabric.

Mistake 5: Improper Drying

Drying your weighted blanket incorrectly can cause shrinkage, damage to the filling, or even mold growth.

How to Avoid: Follow the manufacturer’s drying instructions. If you’re unsure about the best drying method, check out our guide on how to dry a weighted blanket.

Mistake 6: Skipping Regular Maintenance

Neglecting regular maintenance can lead to a buildup of dirt, sweat, and allergens in your weighted blanket.

How to Avoid: Wash your weighted blanket according to the manufacturer’s recommended frequency. If you use a removable cover, wash it more frequently to keep your blanket fresh and clean.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can extend the life of your weighted blanket and enjoy its comforting benefits for years to come. Happy washing!