How to Clean Shoelaces Without Taking Them Off: A Step-by-Step Guide

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where your shoelaces are dirty, but you don’t have the time or patience to take them off, clean them, and lace them back up again? Well, you’re in luck!

Today, we’re diving into the ultimate guide on how to clean shoelaces without taking them off. That’s right, no more wrestling with knots and threading those laces back in.

Let’s dive in!

The Magic of a Toothbrush and Soapy Water

One of the easiest ways to clean your shoelaces while they’re still on your shoes is by using an old toothbrush and a mixture of soapy water.

This is a simple method that doesn’t require any specialized cleaning products or equipment. Plus, it’s a great way to clean white shoelaces and give them a fresh, new look!

Step 1: Prepare the cleaning solution

Mix a small amount of mild detergent (about a teaspoon) with a cup of warm water in a bowl or container. Make sure the detergent is completely dissolved.

This will create a gentle cleaning solution that is effective in removing dirt and grime without damaging the fabric of your shoelaces.

Step 2: Scrub the shoelaces

Dip the bristles of the toothbrush into the soapy mixture, making sure they’re sufficiently saturated but not dripping wet.

Start at one end of the lace and gently scrub the surface in a back-and-forth motion, being careful not to damage the fabric or agitate the knot. As you scrub, the toothbrush will loosen dirt and stains from the shoelaces.

Work your way along the entire length of the lace, periodically dipping the toothbrush back into the soapy water as needed to maintain its cleaning power.

Step 3: Rinse and remove soap residue

Fill another bowl or container with clean, cool water. Dip a clean cloth or sponge into the water, wringing out excess moisture so it’s damp but not dripping.

Gently wipe the laces with the damp cloth to remove any soap residue, ensuring all traces of soap are removed to avoid leaving a sticky residue that may attract more dirt.

Step 4: Blot excess water

Use a dry, clean cloth or paper towel to gently blot any excess water from the shoelaces. Be careful not to rub the fabric, as this may cause fraying or damage.

The goal is to remove as much moisture as possible without harming the laces.

Step 5: Air dry

Allow the laces to air dry by placing your shoes in a well-ventilated area, away from direct sunlight or heat sources, which may cause discoloration or shrinkage.

Depending on the thickness and material of your shoelaces, this may take a few hours to a full day.

Once completely dry, your shoelaces should look clean and refreshed!

How to Clean Shoelaces with Baby Wipes

Did you know that baby wipes can be a lifesaver when it comes to cleaning shoelaces? They’re gentle on fabrics and can effectively remove dirt and stains without damaging your laces.

Plus, they’re an excellent option if you’re looking to clean your shoelaces quickly or when it’s freezing outside and air-drying is not feasible.

Step 1: Choose the right baby wipes

Select unscented baby wipes with no added fragrances or chemicals that could potentially harm the fabric of your shoelaces.

Look for wipes that are moist but not overly saturated, as excessive moisture can make the cleaning process more difficult and lengthen the drying time.

Step 2: Unfold the baby wipe

Carefully unfold the baby wipe, ensuring that it maintains its structural integrity. It’s essential to have a large, flat surface to work with as you clean the shoelaces.

Step 3: Wipe the shoelaces

Gently wrap the baby wipe around the lace, starting at one end. Apply light pressure as you slide the wipe along the length of the lace, making sure to cover all sides of the shoelace.

The texture of the baby wipe will help to lift dirt and stains from the fabric.

Repeat the process as necessary, using a clean area of the wipe for each pass, until the desired level of cleanliness is achieved.

Step 4: Address stubborn spots

If you encounter any particularly stubborn stains or dirt, use your fingers to gently rub the baby wipe over the affected area.

The combination of the wipe’s texture and the cleaning agents in the wipe should help to break down and remove the stain.

Step 5: Dry the laces

Use a clean, dry cloth or paper towel to gently pat the laces dry. Avoid rubbing the fabric, as this may cause fraying or damage.

Removing excess moisture from the laces will help to speed up the drying process.

Step 6: Air dry (optional)

If time permits and you’re not in a rush, you can allow the laces to air dry further by placing your shoes in a well-ventilated area.

This will ensure that any remaining moisture evaporates, leaving your shoelaces completely clean and dry.

Magic Eraser for Stubborn Stains

If your shoelaces have stubborn stains that won’t budge with the previous methods, you might want to give the Magic Eraser a try.

These handy cleaning tools can work wonders on tough stains, making them an excellent option for cleaning shoelaces without removing them.

Step 1: Dampen the Magic Eraser

Hold the Magic Eraser under a stream of cool water, allowing it to become slightly damp.

Be sure not to over-saturate the eraser, as excessive moisture can make it less effective and more likely to disintegrate during use.

Gently squeeze out any excess water.

Step 2: Test a small area

Before scrubbing the entire shoelace, test the Magic Eraser on a small, inconspicuous area to ensure it won’t damage or discolor the fabric.

If you’re satisfied with the results and there’s no visible damage, proceed to the next step.

Step 3: Scrub the stained area

Gently rub the damp Magic Eraser over the stubborn stain, applying light pressure in a circular motion.

The melamine foam works by gently abrading the surface of the shoelace, lifting away the stain without damaging the underlying fabric.

Be patient and avoid applying too much pressure, as this may cause the Magic Eraser to disintegrate or damage the shoelace.

Step 4: Check your progress

Periodically check the stain to see if it’s lifting. If the stain is stubborn, you may need to spend more time gently scrubbing the area with the Magic Eraser.

Keep in mind that some stains may not be entirely removable, but using the Magic Eraser should help to significantly reduce their appearance.

Step 5: Wipe off residue

Once the stain has been removed or minimized, use a clean, damp cloth or sponge to gently wipe the laces, removing any residue left behind by the Magic Eraser.

This will ensure that your shoelaces remain clean and free of any debris.

Step 6: Air dry

Allow the laces to air dry by placing your shoes in a well-ventilated area, away from direct sunlight or heat sources, which may cause discoloration or shrinkage.

The drying time will vary depending on the thickness and material of your shoelaces, but it’s essential to ensure they’re completely dry before wearing your shoes again.


Cleaning shoelaces without taking them off is a breeze when you know the right techniques.

With a toothbrush and soapy water, baby wipes, or a Magic Eraser, you can keep your laces looking clean and fresh without the hassle of removing them from your shoes.