Best Detergents for Washing Hunting Clothes and Shoes

As an avid hunter, I know how important it is to keep my hunting clothes and shoes in top-notch condition.

Over the years, I’ve experimented with various detergents and washing methods to find the perfect combination that ensures my gear stays clean and scent-free.

In this article, I’ll share my insights and experiences to help you choose the best detergents and maintain your hunting clothes and shoes effectively.

What to Look for in a Laundry Detergent

When selecting a detergent for your hunting clothes and shoes, consider the following factors:

Scent control: Opt for detergents that are specifically designed to remove odors and keep your hunting gear scent-free.

No UV brighteners: UV brighteners can make your clothes more visible to wildlife, so choose a detergent without them.

Gentle formula: Look for detergents that are gentle on fabrics while effectively removing dirt, stains, and odors.

Easy availability: Select a detergent that is easy to find at local stores or online retailers like Walmart.

Best Laundry Detergents for Washing Hunting Gear

After trying out numerous detergents, I’ve narrowed down my top three picks for washing hunting clothes and shoes:

Scent Killer Gold Laundry Detergent: This is my go-to detergent for my hunting gear. It effectively cleans and eliminates odors without leaving any residue or UV brighteners. Plus, it has kept my clothes scent-free even during long hunting trips.

Dead Down Wind Laundry Detergent: With its enzyme-based formula, this laundry detergent tackles tough stains and odors while being gentle on your hunting clothes. I’ve used it on different fabric types and always had great results.

Primos Hunting Control Freak Laundry Detergent: A close friend of mine swears by this detergent, and after trying it myself, I can see why. It’s gentle on hunting gear and effectively removes dirt and odors. The best part is it’s available at Walmart, making it convenient to purchase.

When Should I Wash Hunting Clothes?

To keep your hunting clothes and shoes in prime condition, wash them after each hunting trip to remove dirt, sweat, and odors. Also, give them a good wash before the start of each hunting season to ensure they’re clean and scent-free.

Tips for Washing Hunting Clothes and Shoes

I know how important it is to keep your hunting gear in top shape, so I’ve gathered some of my favorite tips for washing hunting clothes and shoes.

  • Separate and pre-treat: Sort your hunting clothes by color and fabric type to prevent bleeding or damage. Pre-treat any visible stains with a scent-free stain remover before washing.
  • Use scent-free detergent: As mentioned earlier, use a detergent specifically designed for washing hunting clothes. These detergents are free from fragrances and UV brighteners, ensuring your clothes remain inconspicuous in the woods.
  • Cold water wash: Wash your hunting clothes in cold water to preserve the fabric’s integrity and prevent shrinking. Cold water is also gentler on the clothes and helps retain their original appearance.
  • Add natural scent neutralizers: To further eliminate odors, consider adding a cup of white vinegar or half a cup of baking soda to the wash cycle. These natural alternatives can help neutralize any lingering smells.
  • Hand wash hunting shoes: To clean your hunting shoes, it’s best to hand wash them using a soft brush, warm water, and a scent-free detergent. Gently scrub the shoes to remove dirt and debris, then rinse them thoroughly.
  • Air-dry everything: Air-drying is the best way to preserve your hunting clothes and shoes. Hang them outside to dry, away from direct sunlight, to prevent fading and damage from UV rays. For shoes, remove the insoles and stuff them with newspaper to help them dry faster and retain their shape.
  • Store clothes and shoes properly: To maintain scent control, store your hunting clothes and shoes in airtight containers or bags with natural odor-absorbing materials like cedar chips or activated charcoal.
  • Wash hunting gear regularly: Establish a routine for washing your hunting clothes and shoes after each trip or when they become dirty. Regular washing ensures they remain clean, scent-free, and ready for your next adventure.

By following these simple steps, you’ll ensure your gear stays clean, scent-free, and lasts for many hunting trips to come.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use regular laundry detergent to wash my hunting clothes?

Regular laundry detergent often contains fragrances and UV brighteners that can hinder your hunting experience. It’s best to use scent-free detergents specifically designed for hunting clothes.

Can I wash my hunting clothes with my regular clothes?

It’s best to wash your hunting clothes separately to avoid any cross-contamination of scents or residues.

How often should I wash my hunting shoes?

Ideally, you should wash your hunting shoes after each hunting trip or whenever they become dirty or smelly. Regular cleaning helps maintain their performance and keeps them free from unwanted scents.

Can I use household items like vinegar or baking soda for scent control?

Yes, you can use vinegar and baking soda as natural alternatives to commercial scent control products. They can help neutralize odors and keep your hunting clothes fresh. Just add a cup of white vinegar or half a cup of baking soda to the wash cycle along with your scent-free detergent.

Is it okay to use a dryer for my hunting clothes?

While it’s generally better to air-dry your hunting clothes to prevent shrinkage and damage, you can use a dryer on a low-heat setting if necessary. Just make sure to avoid using dryer sheets or fabric softeners, as they can leave residue and scents on your clothes.

Can I wash my hunting clothes in the woods while on a hunting trip?

Yes, you can hand wash your hunting clothes in the woods using water from a nearby stream or lake. Make sure to use a scent-free detergent and rinse thoroughly. Hang your clothes to air-dry, ensuring they’re fully dry before wearing them again.

Final Thoughts

Taking care of your hunting clothes and shoes is crucial for a successful hunting experience.

By choosing the right detergent, following proper washing techniques, and using the tips shared in this article, you can ensure your gear remains in peak condition.