How to Use Clorox Wipes to Clean White Shoes: A Step-by-Step Guide

We’ve all been there: you bought a new pair of white sneakers or broke out your favorite white Skechers, only to find that after just a few wears, they look dingy and dirty.

But fear not, because I have a simple solution that might just be sitting in your cleaning closet -Clorox wipes!

In this guide, I’ll show you how I’ve been using Clorox wipes to clean my white shoes, share some tips for getting the best results, and answer some frequently asked questions.

Can You Use Clorox Wipes to Clean White Shoes?

The short answer is yes! Clorox wipes are not only effective in disinfecting surfaces, but they can also help remove dirt, grime, and stains from most types of white shoes, sneakers, and even leather shoes.

However, it’s important to note that Clorox wipes contain bleach, which can be harsh on certain materials.

Always test a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure there’s no damage or discoloration.

How to Use Clorox Wipes to Clean White Shoes

I’ve been using Clorox wipes to clean my white shoes for a while now, and I’m excited to share my method with you!

Just follow these simple steps to get your white shoes looking like new again:

Step 1: Gather Your Materials

You’ll need Clorox wipes, a clean cloth or paper towel, a soft brush (an old toothbrush works great), and a bowl of water.

Step 2: Remove Excess Dirt

Start by gently brushing away any loose dirt or debris from your shoes. Pay special attention to the crevices and seams where dirt can accumulate.

Step 3: Wipe Down the Shoes

Take a Clorox wipe and gently clean the surface of your white shoes. Be sure to cover all the areas, focusing on any stained or heavily soiled spots.

If your shoes are leather, remember to be extra gentle to avoid damaging the material.

Step 4: Rinse the Shoes

Dampen a clean cloth or paper towel with water and wipe down the shoes to remove any bleach residue.

This step is crucial to prevent any discoloration or damage to the shoe material.

Step 5: Dry the Shoes

Use a clean, dry cloth or paper towel to remove any excess moisture. Let your shoes air dry completely before wearing them again.

Step 6: Clean the Laces

Don’t forget about the shoelaces!

Remove them from your sneakers and either wash them in a washing machine or soak them in a bleach solution for a few minutes.

Then, rinse thoroughly and allow them to air dry before re-lacing your shoes.

Step 7: Condition Leather Shoes

If you’ve used Clorox wipes on white leather shoes, it’s a good idea to condition the leather after cleaning to keep it soft and supple.

Apply a small amount of leather conditioner to a clean cloth, and gently rub it into the leather, following the manufacturer’s instructions.

Allow the conditioner to absorb into the leather and then buff with a dry cloth to restore the shine.

Tips to Use Clorox Wipes to Clean White Shoes

Be gentle: Clorox wipes contain bleach, which can be harsh on some materials. Always use a gentle touch when cleaning your shoes to avoid damaging the fabric or leather.

Test a small area first: Before using Clorox wipes on your entire shoe, test a small, inconspicuous area to ensure there’s no discoloration or damage.

Clean the soles separately: To get the soles of your shoes looking as clean as the rest, use a mixture of baking soda and water to create a paste. Apply the paste to the soles and scrub with a brush, then rinse with water.

Keep a regular cleaning schedule: Clean your white shoes as needed, depending on how dirty they get. Establishing a regular cleaning routine can help maintain their bright appearance and prolong their lifespan.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Clorox wipes be used on colored shoes?

It’s not recommended to use Clorox wipes on colored shoes, as the bleach may cause discoloration. Instead, use a gentle detergent or a specialized shoe cleaner.

How often should I clean my white shoes with Clorox wipes?

Clean your white shoes as needed, depending on how dirty they get. However, avoid using Clorox wipes too frequently, as the bleach can wear down the material over time.

Can I use Clorox wipes on suede or fabric shoes?

Clorox wipes are not recommended for suede or fabric shoes, as the bleach can cause damage or discoloration. Instead, use a suede or fabric cleaner specifically designed for these materials.

Can I use other disinfecting wipes instead of Clorox wipes?

Yes, you can use other disinfecting wipes as long as they are safe for the materials of your shoes. However, be cautious of wipes that contain bleach or other harsh chemicals, as they can damage certain materials. Always test a small, inconspicuous area before using a new product on your shoes.

How can I prevent my white shoes from yellowing after cleaning?

To prevent your white shoes from yellowing after cleaning, make sure to rinse them thoroughly to remove any bleach residue from the Clorox wipes. Additionally, air-dry your shoes in a well-ventilated area, away from direct sunlight, as prolonged exposure to sunlight can cause yellowing.

Can I use Clorox wipes on mesh shoes?

Clorox wipes may be too harsh for mesh shoes, as the bleach can break down the material over time. Instead, opt for a gentle detergent or a specialized mesh shoe cleaner to maintain the integrity of your mesh shoes.

Can Clorox wipes remove scuff marks from my white shoes?

Clorox wipes can help remove some scuff marks from your white shoes, but for more stubborn scuffs, you may need to use a magic eraser or a baking soda and water paste. Gently scrub the scuff marks with the chosen solution and rinse with water.

Final Thoughts

Keeping your white shoes looking clean and fresh can be a challenge, but with the help of Clorox wipes and the tips provided in this guide, you can maintain their bright appearance and keep them looking like new.

Remember to use Clorox wipes carefully and follow the step-by-step instructions to avoid damaging your shoes.

Additionally, always test a small, inconspicuous area before cleaning the entire shoe to ensure there’s no damage or discoloration.

Don’t forget to give some attention to your shoelaces and the insides of your shoes, as they also contribute to the overall cleanliness and appearance of your footwear.

By maintaining a regular cleaning routine and using the appropriate cleaning products for your shoes’ materials, you can prolong their lifespan and enjoy the fresh look of your white shoes for a long time.