Can You Wash a Bed Bug Mattress Cover? Everything You Need to Know!

Bed bugs can be difficult to get rid of, but with the right mattress cover, you can ensure that your bed is free from these pesky critters. It’s important to keep your mattress cover clean and free from bed bugs, so it’s essential to know how to properly wash it.

In this blog post, we’ll go over five tips for washing a bed bug mattress cover correctly.

What is a Bed Bug Mattress Cover?

A bed bug mattress cover is an essential tool for dealing with bed bugs. It offers a physical barrier between you and any bed bugs that may be living in your mattress or box spring.

Bed bug mattress covers are made from durable materials, such as vinyl or polyester, and come in various sizes to fit any type of mattress.

The cover traps the bed bugs inside, keeping them away from you while you sleep, and preventing them from coming into contact with anyone else sleeping on the bed.

Investing in a bed bug mattress cover is an important step to take if you’re concerned about a potential infestation.

Can You Wash a Bed Bug Mattress Cover?

Just like most other types of mattress covers, bed bug mattress covers can also be washed and cleaned if necessary. This is a great way to keep the cover clean and free from bed bugs, so it’s important to know how to do this properly.

How to Wash a Bed Bug Mattress Cover

Now that you know that you can wash a bed bug mattress cover, let’s go over the steps you need to take.

Step 1: Check the Care Label Before Washing

Before you start washing your mattress cover, it’s important to consult the care label for instructions on how best to clean it.

Different products will require different methods of cleaning, so take some time to look up the specific instructions for your product.

If you don’t have access to the care label or if there isn’t one attached, then check out the manufacturer’s website or contact them directly for more information.

Step 2: Shake Out the Cover

Shaking out the mattress cover before washing it is an important step that shouldn’t be overlooked. This simple task can help remove a build-up of any dust, dirt, or other debris that may have accumulated on the cover.

Doing this every time you clean your mattress cover will also help ensure it remains in good condition for longer, keeping your bedroom fresh and comfortable. Taking just a few minutes to shake out the cover before you start to wash will give you a great foundation for an effective clean.

Step 3: Wash the Cover in a Washing Machine

Once you’ve checked the care label and shaken out the cover, you can start to wash it in a washing machine.

Most bed bug mattress covers are designed to be machine-washable, so you should have no problem doing this. Just make sure you’re using the right settings on your machine and that you don’t use any fabric softeners or bleach.

You should also check the cover for any signs of damage before washing it, as this can cause unnecessary wear and tear to the cover.

Step 4: Dry the Cover on a Low-Heat Setting

You should remove the cover from the washing machine as soon as possible and either hang it up to dry or put it in a tumble dryer.

If you’re using a tumble dryer, make sure that you set the temperature to low and avoid over-drying the cover. Excessive heat can damage the material, which will reduce its effectiveness against bed bugs.

Step 5: Inspect the Cover for Bed Bugs

Once the cover is clean and dry, it’s important to inspect it for any signs of bed bugs. Look closely at the seams and folds of the cover, as these are the areas where bed bugs tend to hide out.

If you do find any bed bug activity, then it may be time to replace your mattress cover with a new one.

Following these steps will ensure that your bed bug mattress cover is properly cleaned and maintained, helping to keep you and your family safe from any potential infestations.

5 Tips to Keep Your Bed Bug Mattress Cover in Good Condition

Below are some of my favorite tips for keeping your bed bug mattress cover in good condition and ensuring it remains effective against any potential infestations.

Tip 1: Regularly Vacuum the Cover

Vacuuming the cover regularly will help remove any dirt, dust, and debris that can accumulate over time. You can even do this while the cover is still on your mattress. Make sure to focus on the seams and folds, as these are the places where bed bugs hide out.

Tip 2: Spot Clean Stains Immediately

If you happen to get any stains on your mattress cover, then it’s important to tackle them right away. Use a spot remover or diluted detergent solution and dab gently at the stain until it’s gone. Spot cleaning puts a lot less stress on the cover than a full wash, so it’s important to do this whenever possible.

Tip 3: Disinfect with Sanitizing Wipes

Using sanitizing wipes can help to further clean and protect your cover from any potential infestations. Wipe down the entire mattress with a disinfectant, paying close attention to any seams or folds where bed bugs could be hiding out.

Tip 4: Air Out Regularly

Air out your mattress cover regularly to keep it clean and fresh. Open the windows in your bedroom, or hang up the cover outside if you can. Doing this will help the fabric remain dry, preventing any mold or mildew from forming on the cover.

Tip 5: Store in a Cool, Dry Place

Finally, make sure that you store your bed bug mattress cover in a cool, dry place when it’s not in use. This will help to keep the material from becoming damaged or compromised by any moisture or heat.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions about washing a bed bug mattress cover:

How often should I wash my bed bug mattress cover?

Even if you can’t see any bed bugs, it’s important to wash your mattress cover at least once a month in order to keep it clean and free from pests.

Can I use fabric softeners when washing my bed bug mattress cover?

No, you should avoid using fabric softener as this can reduce the effectiveness of any special coatings present on the fabric which are designed to repel bed bugs.

Can I dry clean my bed bug mattress cover?

No, you should not dry clean your mattress cover as this can also reduce the effectiveness of any special coatings present on the fabric.

Can I use vinegar to clean a bed bug mattress cover?

While vinegar can be used for cleaning other types of fabric, it is not recommended for bed bug mattress covers as it may not be strong enough to kill the bugs. It’s best to stick with hot water and detergent in order to ensure that the bugs are killed effectively.


Keeping your bed bug mattress covers clean and free from pests is essential for maintaining a healthy sleep environment at home.

By following these five tips for proper care and cleaning of your bed bug mattress covers—checking labels before washing, using hot water with detergent and bleach, air drying, or tumble drying on low heat—you can ensure that they stay clean and safe from any unwanted visitors!

With these simple steps, you can rest assured knowing that you are taking all necessary steps towards keeping your home pest-free!