6 Reasons to Wash New Sheets Before Sleeping in Them

Many people wonder whether or not bed sheets should be washed before sleeping in them. Well, if you’re anything like me, I will rather be safe than sorry!

I dug deep into the manufacturing, packaging, shipping, and storage of bed sheets and put together a list of 6 Solid Reasons to Wash them before use.

6 Reasons Why You Should Wash New Sheets

While you may be eager to jump into the brand-new sheets you just purchased, consider the following reasons before you do.

1. Prevent Dye Transfer

If you make a bold color choice when selecting your sheets, you may wake up with a little color transfer on your skin when you wake up in the morning.

Many care instruction labels for heavily dyed products warn that you can expect some color transfer from the fabrics prior to washing them and sometimes even after the first couple of washes.

If you’ve ever worn a new pair of dark denim jeans without washing them and ended the day with blue fingertips and palms, you know what we’re talking about.

As you sleep, your bed warms up, you sweat, and some of that red dye transfers onto your skin and clothing. If you don’t want to wake up in the morning looking like a previously white shirt that got thrown in the wash with a red sock, you probably want to wash your sheets and get rid of some of that dye transfer before you snuggle up in them for the first time.

2. Remove Chemical Residue

The fabric used to make bedding often gets treated with chemicals before shipping. This could include formaldehyde, a chemical that is known for its strong odor and potential health hazards.

It’s important to wash your sheets straight out of the package because it will help remove any chemical residues as well as other agents like dust, dirt, and pollen that accumulate during the manufacturing process.

It’s not a bad idea to air out your sheets for a few hours as well before you get into them. Fresh air is great for getting rid of strong chemical odors.

3. Remove Odors

Aside from chemicals or dyes, your sheets may also have an unpleasant musty smell that could be coming from the storage facility and/or packing material.

To get rid of these smells, it’s best to wash your sheets before use because it will help eliminate any odors as well as dirt, dust, and other environmental contaminants that may have been present during storage.

This will help ensure that your sheets are as fresh and clean as possible when you first use them. Plus, washing them with a good quality detergent and fabric softener can also help add a nice scent to the fabric as well.

4. Wash Away Pesticides

Natural fabrics made from plants such as cotton and bamboo are often treated with pesticides.

These pesticides are used to protect crops from insects, weeds, and other pests during growth. While this is beneficial for the farmers who grow these plants, it can be unhealthy for you if you don’t wash away these chemicals before using them.

Washing your sheets with a good quality detergent will help eliminate any pesticide residue that may be present in the fabric.

5. Soften Your New Sheets

The pesticides and chemicals can work their way deep into the fabric of new sheets. This can leave them feeling much stiffer and less comfortable than expected.

You may be disappointed when you get your sheets out of the package and they don’t feel as soft and luxurious as expected.

A quick warm wash in some gentle laundry soap followed by a tumble in a warm dryer makes sheets super warm and cozy.

6. Removes Wrinkles and Creases

When sheets are folded and compressed for storage, they can become wrinkled and creased. This can result in stiff bedding that isn’t very comfortable to sleep on.

A good wash cycle will help remove the wrinkles and creases as well as soften up the fabric, making it much more comfortable to snuggle up in. It also helps to give the sheets a more luxurious look and feel.

Final Thoughts

Washing your sheets before use is a great way to ensure that you are sleeping on clean, fresh bedding. Not only will it help prevent any dye transfer, but also remove unwanted chemicals, pesticides, and odors from the fabric.

By taking the time to wash your sheets first, you can enjoy the comfort of soft and cozy bedding that is free of any potential contaminants.

So, yes, it is highly recommended to wash your sheets before you use them. It only takes a few extra minutes and the benefits are more than worth it!