How to Machine Wash Knitted Baby Clothes

As parents, we want the best for our babies, including the clothing we put on them. Many of us love to dress our babies in soft, warm, and comfortable knitted clothes, but we often wonder how to properly care for them.

While hand washing is the traditional method of washing knitted baby clothes, it is not always the most convenient. Fortunately, machine washing can be a suitable alternative, as long as it is done properly.

In this blog post, we will guide you through some simple steps for machine-washing knitted baby clothes.

We will also provide you with several tips that will help you keep your little one’s clothes in excellent condition. So, let’s get started.

Can You Wash Knitted Baby Clothes in a Washing Machine?

With a few simple steps, anyone can safely machine wash their baby’s knitted clothing. Most modern washing machines may even have settings for knitted fabric, making the process even easier.

How to Wash Hand-Knitted Baby Clothes in a Washing Machine

To properly machine wash hand-knitted baby clothes, there are several important steps to follow.

Step 1: Check the Care Tag

Before washing, always make sure to check the care tag on your baby’s knitted clothing. Knitted fabric is delicate and may require special settings or detergents to keep it in good condition. Additionally, some items may specify hand wash or dry-clean only and should not be washed in a machine.

Step 2: Sort Clothes by Color and Fabric

Once you have checked all the care tags, begin sorting your knitted baby clothes. Clothes should be sorted by color and fabric type, making sure not to mix whites with colors or delicate fabrics with thicker ones, such as wool.

Step 3: Choose Your Detergent

When washing any type of baby clothing, the detergent you use is very important. There are several mild detergents specifically designed to be gentle on delicate skin. These baby-safe detergents should be your go-to choice when washing anything that will come in contact with your baby’s skin.

Step 4: Set Your Washing Machine

Before loading your baby’s clothes, set your washing machine to the appropriate settings. For knitted fabric, use a gentle cycle with cold water and a slow spin setting to avoid damaging the fabric. If your machine has a specific setting for knitted fabric, use it.

Step 5: Add Detergent and Start the Washing Machine

Once all settings have been chosen, add your detergent to the washing machine and load in the clothes. If you are using a top-loading machine, make sure not to overload it with too many clothes as this can cause uneven washing results.

Step 6: Dry the Fabric

When your washing cycle has finished, remove the clothes from the machine and dry them. Knitted fabric should always be dried flat on a towel or drying rack to maintain its shape. Never tumble-dry knitted clothing as this can cause shrinkage and damage to the fibers. Additionally, you may need to iron your clothes to help keep them looking their best.

Tips for Machine Washing Knitted Baby Clothes

Now that you know how to properly machine wash your baby’s knitted clothing, here are a few tips to help keep their clothes looking like new:

Mesh Bag or Pillowcase for Heirloom Knitted Baby Clothes

For especially delicate items such as heirloom knitted baby clothes, it is best to wash them in a mesh bag or pillowcase. This will provide an extra layer of protection from the washing machine’s agitator and ensure the threads don’t get snagged.

Wash Clothes Inside Out

To protect the designs or embroidery on knitted baby clothes, it is best to turn them inside out before washing. This will help keep the details looking like new for longer.

Use the Least Amount of Laundry Detergent

When washing baby clothing, you want to use the least amount of laundry detergent possible. Too much detergent can leave behind a residue on the fabric and cause skin irritation.

Add White Vinegar to the Rinse Cycle

Adding a small amount of white vinegar to the rinse cycle will help remove any soap residue that’s embedded into the knitted fabric. Additionally, the vinegar will help to soften the clothes naturally, reducing the need for fabric softener.

Avoid Fabrics Softeners and Bleach

Fabric softeners and bleach should never be used on knitted baby clothes as they can damage the fibers. Instead, opt for natural alternatives such as white vinegar for a gentler way to soften the fabric.

Final Thoughts

You can wash knitted baby clothes in a washing machine by following the steps outlined above. To ensure the safety of your baby’s skin, it is important to use gentle detergent and set the machine to a delicate cycle.

Moreover, be sure to sort clothes by color and fabric type before washing, and avoid adding any bleach or fabric softener to the wash. Doing so will help keep your baby’s knitted clothing looking like new.