How to Wash Reading Socks: A Comprehensive Guide

Since reading socks are typically worn without shoes, they tend to pick up more dirt than regular socks. As a result, it’s important to wash them regularly to keep them clean and hygienic.

But how do you wash reading socks? What steps do you need to follow to keep them looking and feeling great?

In this article, we’ll provide a comprehensive guide on how to wash reading socks, covering both machine washing and handwashing methods.

How to Wash Reading Socks

Here is a quick chart of the best methods for washing your reading socks;

Washing MethodWater TemperatureDetergent TypeCorrect CycleDrying Method
Machine WashCold to Warm 86-104°F (30-40°C)Mild or Delicate Fabric DetergentDelicate or Gentle CycleTumble Dry on Low or Air-Dry
Hand WashLukewarm 104-122°F (40-50°C)Hand-Wash DetergentGentleAir-Dry on a Flat Surface
Reference chart for washing reading socks

How to Machine Washing Reading Socks

The best way to keep your reading socks clean is to machine wash them after each wear. Below are the steps you need to follow:

Step 1: Check the Care Label

Before washing your reading socks in the washing machine, it’s important to check the care label. Some reading socks may require special care instructions, such as hand-washing or air-drying. Make sure to read the label carefully to avoid damaging the socks during the washing process.

Step 2: Sort by Color

To avoid color bleeding or fading, sort your reading socks by color and wash them separately. Dark colors should be washed with similar colors, and light colors should be washed in a separate load.

Not only will sorting by color help keep the colors of your socks looking vibrant, but it will also prevent any dirt or grime from being transferred to lighter-colored garments.

Step 3: Pre-Treat Stains

If your reading socks are really dirty or have stubborn stains, it’s best to pre-treat them with a stain remover before washing them. Just apply a small amount directly onto the soiled area and let it sit for a few minutes before throwing the socks into the machine.

Step 4: Choose the Right Detergent

Reading socks are made with several materials besides the main fabric. So, choosing the right detergent is essential to keep them looking and feeling great.

Opt for a mild detergent or one specifically designed for delicate fabrics. This will help prevent any damage to the fabric and colors of your reading socks.

Step 5: Choose the Right Cycle

Select the appropriate cycle on your washing machine for the type of reading socks you are washing. For wool or other delicate materials, use a delicate or gentle cycle. This will help prevent damage to the fabric and ensure that your socks come out clean and fresh.

Step 6: Drying

If the care instructions on the label allow it, you can dry your reading socks in the tumble dryer. Be sure to use a low-temperature setting and remove them as soon as they are finished drying. If the care instructions don’t allow for machine drying, simply hang them up to air-dry.

How to Hand Wash Reading Socks

There are several reasons you may want to hand wash your reading socks. The most common is if the care instructions say not to machine wash them.

Hand washing can also be a good choice if you want to be extra gentle with your socks or if they are heavily stained.

Step 1: Fill a Basin with Water

Fill a basin or sink with lukewarm water and add a small amount of detergent specifically designed for hand washing. Swish the water around to dissolve the detergent and create suds.

Step 2: Soak Reading Socks

Submerge your reading socks in the soapy water, making sure that all parts of them are fully covered. Let them soak for about 15 minutes before moving on to the next step.

Step 3: Gently Scrub

Use your hands to gently scrub the reading socks, paying special attention to any stained or soiled areas. Make sure not to use too much force as this could damage the fabric.

Step 4: Rinse

Empty out the dirty water and rinse the reading socks in clean, lukewarm water until all of the soap has been removed. Be sure to rinse thoroughly as any leftover detergent can cause irritation and discomfort when wearing the socks.

Step 5: Drying

Lay your reading socks flat on a towel to absorb the excess water and allow them to air-dry naturally.

You can also choose to put them in the tumble dryer if the care instructions on the label allow it. However, be sure to use a low-temperature setting and remove them as soon as they are finished drying to avoid any damage.

Tips for Washing Reading Socks

Here are a few additional tips to help you maintain the quality of your reading socks:

Avoid using bleach: Socks are made with several types of materials such as wool and spandex which can get damaged by bleach.

Skip the fabric softener: Fabric softeners can penetrate deep into your socks and remain there even after rinsing them. The residue will react with heat and sweat and can cause skin irritation.

Turn reading socks inside out: This will help keep the colors bright and vibrant, as well as protect any detailing on the outside of the sock.

Add some vinegar: Adding a cup of white vinegar to the wash cycle will help remove deeply embedded stains and stubborn odors.

Store them properly: Storing socks in an airtight container or drawer can help to keep them looking good for longer. This is especially important when storing delicate materials like wool or cotton.

Final Thoughts

Washing your reading socks doesn’t have to be difficult. It’s best to wash them in a washing machine, however, you can also easily wash them by hand.

Following the steps in this article and keeping these tips in mind will help ensure they get clean, stay fresh for longer, and maintain their quality.