How to Wash and Care for Your Bomber Jacket: A Step-by-Step Guide

Washing a bomber jacket is almost like washing any other type of jacket, except for a few minor adjustments.

In this article, we will be providing a step-by-step guide on how to wash and care for your bomber jacket.

Can You Wash a Bomber Jacket?

Before you attempt to wash a bomber jacket, it is important to determine whether or not the fabric is machine washable. If the label says “Dry Clean Only” then you must take your bomber jacket to a professional dry cleaner.

However, if the label says “Machine Washable”, then you can wash your bomber jacket in a washing machine.

If the tag is missing or does not have any washing instructions, you may still be able to wash your bomber jacket by hand or just give it a quick spot treatment.

How to Wash a Bomber Jacket

Depending on the fabric and the instructions on the label, you’ll want to use the appropriate washing method to clean your bomber jacket.

You can wash a bomber jacket using one of the following methods:

  • Machine Wash
  • Hand Wash
  • Dry Clean

Below are the steps to follow for each method.

How to Machine Wash a Bomber Jacket

Step 1: Check the tag for washing instructions

Machine washing is the most aggressive method of washing and should only be used if the label indicates that it is safe to do so. If machine washing isn’t specified, you should try using one of the other methods instead.

Step 2: Use cold water and a gentle detergent

Once you’ve determined the bomber jacket is machine washable, you’ll want to use a mild detergent and the appropriate water temperature according to the tag.

If for any reason the tag is missing or does not specify a water temperature, you should use cold water to prevent any shrinking or deformation of the fabric.

Step 3: Put the jacket in a mesh laundry bag

A mesh laundry bag is a must when machine washing delicate garments like bomber jackets. It prevents the zipper or other metal parts from snagging on other items and helps keep the garment from becoming misshapen during cleaning.

Step 4: Set your washing machine for a gentle cycle

Bomber jackets often have several layers of different fabrics. Although some of these fabrics may be able to withstand a strong washing machine cycle, it’s best to stick to the lowest cycle possible to prevent any damage.

Step 5: Drying

You should only dry a bomber jacket in the dryer if the tag specifically says it’s okay. Otherwise, hang dry your bomber jacket indoors on a drying rack, or outdoors on a clothesline away from direct sunlight.

Once your bomber jacket is fully dry, remove it from the dryer or clothesline and inspect for any signs of shrinkage, fading, or damage. If you notice any issues with the fabric, take your bomber jacket to a professional dry cleaner for further assistance.

How to Hand Wash a Bomber Jacket

If your bomber jacket is not machine washable, you may still be able to wash it by hand. However, you’ll need some additional supplies for this method.

Step 1: Gather the supplies

You’ll need a sink, a tub or bucket large enough to fit your jacket, a mild detergent designed for handwashing, a soft brush, and cold or warm water. You may want to also have some towels on hand to help absorb any excess moisture.

Step 2: Fill the sink or tub with water

Fill the sink or tub with enough cold or warm water to submerge the entire bomber jacket. You may want to use cooler water if you’re worried about shrinkage, or warmer water for tougher stains.

Step 3: Add detergent and swish

Add a small amount of mild detergent designed for handwashing to the water. Swish the detergent and water around to create suds and mix it up until it’s completely dissolved.

Step 4: Soak your jacket

Submerge the bomber jacket in the water, making sure all sections of fabric are completely covered. Allow the garment to soak for at least 10 minutes or until any tough stains have been loosened.

Step 5: Gently scrub and rinse

Once the jacket has finished soaking, use a soft brush to gently scrub any areas with tough stains. Rinse the bomber jacket under cold water until all traces of detergent have been removed.

Step 6: Dry and inspect

Allow your bomber jacket to air dry on a flat surface or hang it on a drying rack. Once it is completely dry, inspect it for any signs of shrinkage or discoloration. If you notice anything out of the ordinary, take your bomber jacket to a professional dry cleaner for further assistance.

When to Take Your Bomber Jacket to a Professional Cleaner

Dry cleaning is generally recommended for fabrics that can’t be washed in a washing machine, are too large for a tub, or are missing the care instructions. Dry cleaning is also ideal for removing tougher stains or dirt that can’t be removed with regular detergent and water.

Final Thoughts

You’ll also want to have your bomber jacket professionally cleaned if it is an antique or has sentimental value. Professional cleaners specialize in restoring garments to their original condition and can help preserve the fabric’s quality for years to come.

Following these steps will help ensure your bomber jacket looks its best for many seasons. Regular cleaning and proper storage are essential for preserving the life of the garment, so take care of your bomber jacket and it’ll take care of you.

With the proper maintenance, your bomber jacket will be a timeless piece of fashion for years to come.