Simple Guide to Machine Washing Your Weighted Blanket

Weighted blankets have soared in popularity thanks to their soothing, stress-relieving effects.

But when it comes to cleaning them, many people feel, well, weighed down by the task. Fear not, dear reader!

In this article, we will walk you through the process of machine washing your weighted blanket with easy-to-follow instructions. Let’s dive in!

Can You Machine Wash a Weighted Blanket?

Yes, you can! But before you toss your blanket in the washer, check the care label to ensure it’s machine washable. Some weighted blankets require hand washing, while others are good to go in the machine.

If you’re unsure, consult our guide on how to hand wash a weighted blanket.

Step-by-Step Guide to Machine Washing Your Weighted Blanket

1. Check the Care Label

Make sure your weighted blanket is machine washable. The care label will provide you with specific instructions on water temperature, cycle settings, and detergent type.

2. Choose the Right Detergent

Select a mild detergent without harsh chemicals, dyes, or fragrances. This will help protect the fabric and filling of your blanket. Need help choosing a detergent?

Check out our guide on how to choose a detergent for washing a weighted blanket.

3. Prep Your Washing Machine

Pro tip: Before washing your weighted blanket, ensure your washing machine can handle its weight. If the blanket is too heavy for your machine, you may need to visit a laundromat with a commercial-sized washer.

Make sure the washer is empty and clean. If your blanket is extra bulky or heavy, add a couple of towels to balance the load.

4. Wash Your Weighted Blanket

Place your blanket in the washing machine and add the recommended amount of detergent. Follow the care label instructions for water temperature and cycle settings. Typically, it’s best to use a gentle cycle with cold water.

5. Rinse and Spin

After the washing cycle, ensure your blanket is thoroughly rinsed. If needed, run an additional rinse cycle to remove any remaining detergent.

6. Dry Your Weighted Blanket

Once your blanket is clean, it’s time to dry it. Check the care label for drying instructions. Air drying is usually recommended, but some blankets can be tumble dried on a low heat setting.

For more information, consult our guide on how to dry a weighted blanket.

Tips and Tricks for Machine Washing Your Weighted Blanket

  • Use a duvet cover to keep your blanket clean for longer periods, reducing the need for frequent washing.
  • Spot clean small stains with a damp cloth and mild detergent to avoid washing the entire blanket.
  • Avoid washing your weighted blanket with other items, as the weight can damage your washer or other items. The only exception is adding a couple of towels to balance a bulky load.
  • Check for loose stitching or tears before washing your blanket. Repair any damages to prevent further issues during washing.

Now that you’re armed with knowledge and a bit of humor, machine washing your weighted blanket should be a breeze! Happy washing!