How to Machine Wash Your Leather Pants

Machine-washing leather pants isn’t as straightforward as washing other types of pants or even jeans. To help you out, we’ve put together this step-by-step guide on how to properly machine wash leather pants without damaging them.

Steps to Machine-Wash Leather Pants

If the best fit for your lifestyle is to throw your leather pants in the washing machine, go for it! Leather pants can withstand being put in the washing machine as long as you stick to the following steps:

Step 1: Check the Care Label

Before washing your leather pants, inspect the care label first to check if it is safe to machine wash them. If not, consider spot cleaning, and handwashing, or just have it professionally dry cleaned.

Step 2: Wash Inside-Out

Once you’re sure the leather pants are safe to machine-wash, take a couple of minutes to turn them inside out. Washing your leather pants inside-out will help protect the leather from direct contact with the washing machine’s agitator.

Step 3: Use Cold Water

It is important to use cold water when washing leather pants in a washing machine. Hot and warm water are notoriously known to cause all types of problems when washing clothes. So, to avoid any damage, use cold water instead.

Step 4: Use a Pillowcase

One of my favorite tricks when machine-washing any type of delicate clothing is to wash it in a pillowcase. This will help protect the leather from any damage caused by the washing machine’s agitator or drum.

Step 5: Use Cold-Water Detergent

The type of detergent is just as important as all the previous steps. Since you’re going to be washing your leather pants in cold water, you should use a mild detergent that’s specifically formulated for cold-water washing.

Step 6: Choose a Gentle Cycle

You will want to choose a gentle cycle when putting your leather pants into the washing machine. This type of cycle uses slower speeds and is gentler on clothing, which is ideal for leather pants. You should also use a gentle spin cycle if your machine has one.

Step 7: Hang or Lay Flat to Dry

Once you’ve taken your leather pants out of the washing machine, do not put them in the dryer. Instead, hang them or lay them flat to dry. Doing this will prevent any shrinkage and help keep your leather pants looking like new!

Do’s and Don’ts for Machine Washing Leather Pants

Following these steps should help keep your leather pants looking like new, but here are some additional tips and warnings to keep in mind:

Only Wash When Necessary:

Only machine-wash leather pants when absolutely necessary. Prevention is always the best measure when it comes to washing and caring for your clothing. And for small spots or stains, first, try spot cleaning before machine-washing.

Avoid Fabric Softener:

You should avoid any type of fabric softener when washing all types of leather clothing. The chemical buildup from fabric softeners can cause damage to leather over time.

Never Use Hot Water:

Leather reacts very negatively to hot and warm water, so avoid using it whenever possible. Cold water is always the safest option when washing leather pants.

If In Doubt, Get Professional Help:

If you’re ever in doubt about machine-washing your leather pants, don’t hesitate to get professional help from a dry cleaner. They have all the proper techniques and equipment to safely and effectively clean your leather pants.

Do Not Tumble Dry:

Tumbling your leather pants in the dryer will cause shrinkage and deform their shape. Instead, hang them or lay them flat to dry. Doing this will guarantee that your leather pants come out looking like new every time.

Final Thoughts

Washing your leather pants in the washing machine is totally possible, as long as you follow the steps above. Just remember to check the care label first and stick with cold water and mild detergent. Also, never forget to hang or lay your leather pants flat to dry when done!