7 Tips for Washing Towels and Clothes Together

We all know the feeling of wanting to get laundry done quickly. You throw all your clothes in the washer, add some detergent, and hit start. Easy, right? Well, not quite. There are a few things you should keep in mind if you want to wash your towels and clothes together without ruining either one.

In this article, we’ll go over the best way to wash towels and clothes together, as well as some tips to make the process easier. By following these guidelines, you can rest assured that your laundry will come out clean and looking great.

Can You Wash Towels and Clothes Together?

You can wash most towels and clothes together without any problems. Washing them together is even recommended when they are both the same fabric type. Combining your clothes and towels in a single wash will also save you both time and energy.

7 Tips for Washing Towels and Clothes Together

Now that you know you can wash your towels and clothes together, here are a few tips to make the process easier:

1. Use the right amount of detergent:

Using too much detergent can actually cause your towels and clothes to retain dirt and moisture, which can lead to mildew and bacteria growth. On the other hand, not using enough detergent can leave your laundry feeling stiff and dirty.

To strike the perfect balance, consult your washing machine’s manual to determine the appropriate amount of detergent for a large load, then use half that amount.

2. Separate your laundry:

While it may be tempting to just throw all of your dirty laundry into the washing machine at once, it’s actually better to sort it out first.

Lighter garments like shirts and blouses should be washed with other light items, while heavier items like jeans and towels should be washed separately. This will prevent your lighter clothing from getting damaged or becoming discolored.

3. Wash similar colors together:

Although this may sound like a no-brainer, it’s important to wash similar colors together to prevent any color bleeding.

Towels are usually safe to wash with other laundry, but if you have any colored towels, it’s best to wash them separately. The same goes for clothes – wash white items with other whites and colored items with other colors.

4. Pair the same fabrics together:

While most towels and clothes can be washed together, it’s best to pair similar fabrics together. This means washing cotton towels with cotton clothing, bamboo towels with bamboo clothing, and so on.

By pairing similar fabrics together, you’ll be able to use the same settings for the wash cycle and avoid any damage to your clothing.

5. Separate clothes in a mesh bag:

Although it’s safe to wash towels with most types of clothing, there are a few items that should be washed separately. These include delicate items like lingerie and baby clothing, as well as anything with hooks or zippers that could damage other garments.

If you want to wash these items with your towels, put them in a mesh bag first. This will prevent them from getting tangled up or damaged in the wash cycle.

6. Avoid overloading the washing machine:

All washing machines have a maximum capacity, and washing towels with clothes can quickly reach that limit. Overloading your washing machine can damage the motor and cause your laundry to come out dirty.

To avoid overloading, check the capacity of your washing machine and make sure not to exceed it. If you have a lot of laundry, consider doing two loads instead of one.

7. Skip the fabric softener:

Although fabric softener can make your clothes softer and smell great, it’s not always a good idea to use it when washing towels and clothes together.

Fabric softeners can actually cause towels to become less absorbent and make clothing more susceptible to static cling. If you do want to use fabric softener, make sure to use it sparingly and only on your clothes – not your towels.


Washing your towels and clothes together is a great way to save time and energy. Just be sure to use the right amount of detergent, choose a gentle cycle, and separate your items accordingly. By following these tips, you can rest assured that your laundry will come out clean and looking great.