The Pros and Cons of Washing Your Hair Before a Perm

A perm is a treatment that can change the structure of your hair. It uses chemicals to break down the internal bonds of your hair and then reforms them into a new shape. This process can give you bouncier, curlier, or straighter hair depending on the style you’re going for.

If you’re thinking about getting a perm, you might be wondering if you should wash your hair beforehand. The answer isn’t as straightforward as you might think.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the pros and cons of washing your hair before a perm so that you can make the best decision for your needs.

Pros of Washing Your Hair Before a Perm

Removes Excess Oil

One of the primary benefits of washing your hair before a perm is that it removes excess oil from the hair.

When hair is excessively oily, it can make the perm process more difficult and can also lead to less-than-ideal results.

Washing your hair before a perm will help to ensure that your hair is clean and free of any oils or products that could potentially interfere with the perm process.

Makes the Perm Last Longer

Another benefit of washing your hair before a perm is that it can make the perm last longer. This is because when hair is clean, there is less chance of products or oils build-up, which can cause the perm to break down more quickly.

So, if you’re looking to extend the life of your perm, washing your hair before the treatment is a good idea.

Helps the Perm “Take” Better

In addition to making the perm last longer, washing your hair before a perm can also help the perm “take” better. This means that the curls will be tighter and more defined.

When hair is dirty, it can be more difficult for the chemicals in the perm solution to penetrate the hair shaft, leading to less-than-ideal results.

Washing your hair before a perm will help to ensure that your perm takes better and produces the desired results.

Reduces Frizz

Another benefit of washing your hair before a perm is that it can reduce frizz. Frizzy hair can be more difficult to curl and can also lead to less-than-desirable results. Many stylists won’t even come close to trying to perm frizzy hair.

The best way to combat frizz before a perm is to wash your hair and use a good conditioner. This will help to smooth the hair and make it easier to perm.

Gives You a Fresh Start

Washing your hair before a perm can also give you a fresh start if you have been experiencing any problems with your current hairstyle.

If you are unhappy with how your perm has turned out in the past, washing your hair beforehand can help to ensure that you start with clean, frizz-free hair that is more likely to produce desired results

Cons of Washing Your Hair Before a Perm

Weakened Hair

One of the primary disadvantages of washing your hair before a perm is that it can weaken the hair. This is because water can strip away the natural oils that protect and moisturize the hair.

When these oils are removed, the hair becomes dry and brittle, which can make it more susceptible to damage.

Less Effective Perm

Another disadvantage of washing your hair before a perm is that it can make the perm less effective. This is because the chemicals in the perm solution will not be able to penetrate as deeply into the hair shaft if it is already wet. As a result, the perm may not last as long or be as curly as you would like.

Damaged Hair

Finally, washing your hair before a perm can also damage the hair. This is because the chemicals in the perm solution can cause further drying and damage to already weakened and dry hair.

If you are concerned about damaging your hair, you may want to consider having your perm done at a salon where they can take special care of your hair.

Should I wash my hair before a perm?

It’s generally a good idea to wash your hair before you get a perm. This will help remove any dirt, oil, or product build-up that could interfere with the perm solution and prevent it from working properly.

Additionally, washing your hair before a perm will give you a chance to start with clean, healthy hair. This is important because the chemicals in a perm solution can be harsh on your hair. Starting with clean hair will help minimize the amount of damage that the perm solution can cause.


Overall, there are several benefits to washing your hair before a perm. This includes making the perm last longer, helping the perm take better, reducing frizz, and giving you a fresh start.

However, there are also some disadvantages to washing your hair before a perm. These include weakened hair, less effective perm, and damaged hair.

In general, it is a good idea to wash your hair before you get a perm. You can also consult with your stylist to see if they have any recommendations for you based on your individual hair type and condition.