How to Machine Wash Air Jordan 1 Sneakers: Everything you need to know!

Air Jordan 1 sneakers are a classic and iconic choice for sneaker enthusiasts. As you wear them, they are bound to get dirty and need a good cleaning.

In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of safely washing and cleaning your Air Jordan 1 sneakers in a washing machine, including different variations of the Air Jordans.

We’ll also share practical tips, advice, and examples to help you keep your sneakers looking fresh and clean. Let’s dive in!

Preparing Your Air Jordan 1 Sneakers for Washing

Before you toss your sneakers into the washing machine, there are a few steps you need to follow to prepare them properly:

Remove Laces and Insoles

Removing the laces and insoles allows for a more thorough cleaning and prevents damage to these components during the wash cycle.

Gently unlace your sneakers and pull out the insoles. If the insoles are stuck or difficult to remove, use a flat object, such as a butter knife or a ruler, to carefully pry them out.

Clean Laces and Insoles Separately

Laces and insoles can be cleaned more effectively when washed separately from the sneakers. This also prevents the laces from tangling and the insoles from becoming misshapen.

Follow our guide on how to clean shoelaces without taking them off for tips on cleaning your laces. For the insoles, use a soft brush or cloth and mild detergent to gently scrub them clean. Rinse thoroughly and air dry.

Brush Off Excess Dirt

Removing loose dirt and debris from your sneakers before washing helps prevent clogging your washing machine and allows for a more efficient cleaning process.

Use a soft brush or an old toothbrush to gently brush off any loose dirt or debris from your sneakers. Pay special attention to the crevices and seams where dirt can accumulate.

Pre-treat Stains

Pre-treating stains before washing can help to remove stubborn dirt and grime that might not come off during the wash cycle.

Apply a small amount of mild detergent or stain remover to a soft cloth or sponge. Gently dab the stain, working from the outer edges toward the center. Be sure to test the stain remover on a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure it does not cause discoloration or damage.

Place Your Sneakers in a Laundry Bag or Pillowcase

Using a laundry bag or pillowcase protects your sneakers and your washing machine during the wash cycle. This prevents the sneakers from banging against the machine’s walls, which can cause damage.

Place your Air Jordan 1 sneakers in a mesh laundry bag or pillowcase, and secure it closed with a knot or a rubber band. This will keep your sneakers contained and protected during the washing process.

Choosing the Right Settings for Your Washing Machine

Now that your sneakers are prepped, it’s time to select the proper settings on your washing machine:

Step 1: Select the Temperature

The temperature of the water used in the wash cycle can affect the integrity of the glue and materials of your sneakers. Using the right temperature will prevent damage and maintain the sneakers’ structure.

Choose the cold water setting on your washing machine. Hot water can cause the glue to loosen, leading to your sneakers falling apart or becoming misshapen.

Step 2: Choose the Cycle

The type of cycle you select can impact the amount of agitation and stress your sneakers undergo during the washing process. Picking the right cycle will prevent excessive wear and tear on your Air Jordan 1 sneakers.

Opt for a gentle cycle, such as the delicate or hand-wash setting on your washing machine. Avoid using heavy-duty or high-spin cycles, as these can cause damage to your sneakers.

Step 3: Determine the Load Size

The load size affects the amount of water used during the wash cycle. Selecting the appropriate load size ensures that your sneakers are cleaned effectively without wasting water.

If you’re washing your sneakers along with other delicate items, choose the appropriate load size based on the total volume of items being washed. If you’re washing your sneakers alone, opt for a small load size to conserve water.

Step 4: Add Detergent

Using the right type and amount of detergent can help to remove dirt and stains from your sneakers without causing damage to the materials or colors.

Use a mild detergent designed for delicate fabrics. Add the recommended amount of detergent based on the load size and the detergent’s instructions. Avoid using bleach or fabric softeners, as these can damage your sneakers.

For more information on detergents, check out our list of best detergents for washing hunting clothes and shoes.

Step 5: Add Extra Rinse (Optional)

An extra rinse can help to remove any residual detergent or dirt from your sneakers, ensuring they come out of the wash looking clean and fresh.

If your washing machine has an extra rinse option, you can select it for added assurance that your sneakers will be thoroughly rinsed. However, this step is optional and may not be necessary for all washes.

By following these steps and carefully selecting the appropriate settings on your washing machine, you can effectively clean your Air Jordan 1 sneakers without causing any damage.

Drying Your Air Jordan 1 Sneakers

After washing, it’s essential to dry your sneakers properly.

Follow these tips for the best results:

Step 1: Gently Remove Excess Water

Removing excess water from your sneakers before air drying can speed up the process and prevent damage to the materials.

Gently press your sneakers between clean, dry towels to absorb any excess water. Avoid twisting or wringing the sneakers, as this can cause damage to the materials and structure.

Step 2: Air Dry Your Sneakers

Air drying your sneakers helps prevent damage to the materials and maintains their shape, ensuring they remain in excellent condition.

Place your sneakers in a well-ventilated area, away from direct sunlight or heat sources. You can also use a fan to circulate air around the sneakers and speed up the drying process. Do not use a dryer or direct heat source, as this can damage your sneakers.

Step 3: Stuff with Paper Towels or Cloth

Stuffing your sneakers with paper towels or cloth can help maintain their shape during the drying process and speed up the drying time.

Stuff your sneakers with paper towels, clean cloth, or even crumpled newspaper. Make sure the stuffing material is dry and clean. Replace the stuffing every few hours to ensure effective drying.

Step 4: Re-insert Insoles and Laces

Re-inserting the insoles and laces after the sneakers have fully dried helps maintain their shape and ensures they’re ready for you to wear again.

Once your sneakers, insoles, and laces are completely dry, re-insert the insoles and re-lace your sneakers. Make sure the insoles are positioned correctly to provide optimal comfort and support.

Step 5: Deodorize Your Sneakers (Optional)

Deodorizing your sneakers can help to eliminate any lingering odors and keep them smelling fresh.

You can use baking soda, dryer sheets, or specialized shoe deodorizers to absorb odors in your sneakers.

If you’re interested in additional tips on deodorizing your sneakers, check out our guide on how to deodorize Converse shoes and eliminate odors, which can also be applied to Air Jordan 1 sneakers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I wash my suede or leather Air Jordan 1 sneakers in a washing machine?

No, it is not recommended to machine wash suede or leather Air Jordan 1 sneakers, as this can cause significant damage to the material. Instead, use a soft brush or cloth and a specialized cleaner for suede or leather to clean these types of sneakers.

How often should I wash my Air Jordan 1 sneakers?

The frequency of washing your sneakers depends on how often you wear them and the level of dirtiness. If you wear your sneakers daily and they tend to get dirty quickly, consider washing them every two weeks. However, if you wear them occasionally and they don’t get very dirty, washing them once a month or as needed should suffice.

Is it safe to use stain removers on my Air Jordan 1 sneakers?

Yes, you can use stain removers on your sneakers, but be sure to test them on a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure they do not cause discoloration or damage. Follow the instructions on the stain remover and avoid using bleach or other harsh chemicals.

How can I clean the soles of my Air Jordan 1 sneakers?

To clean the soles of your sneakers, you can use a mixture of water and mild detergent, along with a brush or an old toothbrush. Gently scrub the soles to remove dirt and stains. Be sure to rinse thoroughly with water and allow them to air dry.

Can I use Clorox wipes to clean my white Air Jordan 1 sneakers?

It is not recommended to use Clorox wipes on your sneakers, as they may contain bleach or other harsh chemicals that can damage the material and colors. Instead, use a soft brush or cloth and a gentle cleaner to clean your white sneakers.
For more information on cleaning white shoes, check out our guide on how to use Clorox wipes to clean white shoes.

Final Thoughts

By following these steps and tips, you can safely and effectively wash your Air Jordan 1 sneakers in a washing machine, keeping them looking fresh and clean.