To Wash or Not to Wash: Should You Wash New Underwear Before Wearing Them?

Ah, the age-old question: should you wash your new underwear before wearing them?

On one hand, it seems like a no-brainer – of course you should! After all, who knows what kind of bacteria may be lurking in those unopened packages.

But on the other hand, some might argue that washing new underwear is an unnecessary extra step with no real benefit.

So which is it?

In this article, we’re going to address this question and discuss some of the risks of not washing your new undies and when it might be necessary to give them a quick spin in the machine.

Should You Wash New Underwear Before Wearing Them?

The answer is a resounding yes! Even though new underwear may look pristine and untouched, there’s no way to know who has handled the garments before you bought them.

Washing can help remove any potential germs that may have been left behind by prior contact with others. But not just that—new underwear might also contain chemicals or residue from the manufacturing process, and washing them can help reduce the chances of skin irritation.

But don’t worry, washing new underwear is pretty simple. Check out our pre-washing new underwear guide for a comprehensive look at how to do it right.

Possible Risks of Not Washing New Underwear

You might be wondering what could possibly happen if you decide to skip washing your new underwear. Well, there are more risks than you might think!

Let’s dive into some of the dangers of not pre-washing your undies and why it’s essential to give them a good wash before wearing them.

Skin Irritation from Chemical Residue

As we mentioned earlier, your new underwear may contain chemicals from the manufacturing process, such as dyes, fabric softeners, or formaldehyde, which is used to prevent wrinkles and mildew.

These chemicals can cause skin irritation or even an allergic reaction in some cases, particularly for those with sensitive skin.

Washing your new underwear before wearing them helps to eliminate these unwanted residues.

Unwanted Germs and Bacteria

You never know who handled your underwear before you bought them, and it’s not uncommon for germs and bacteria to be transferred through touch.

Even if the underwear was packaged, factory workers, store employees, or other shoppers could have handled them.

Washing your new underwear before wearing them helps to eliminate these potential health hazards.

Dust and Dirt Accumulation

New underwear may have been sitting in the store or warehouse for a while, allowing dust and dirt to accumulate on them.

While this might not be immediately noticeable, dust and dirt can lead to skin irritation and discomfort when wearing the underwear.

Pre-washing removes any accumulated particles, ensuring your underwear is fresh and clean before wearing.

Sweat and Body Odor from Previous Try-Ons

Even if you haven’t tried on the underwear yourself, someone else may have.

Although many stores provide disposable liners for trying on underwear, there’s still a risk of sweat and body odor being transferred to the fabric.

Washing your new underwear helps to get rid of any lingering scents and ensures that your undies are truly fresh when you wear them.

When It’s a Must to Wash Your New Underwear

While it’s always a good idea to wash your new underwear before wearing them, there are certain situations where it’s even more critical.

Here are a few examples of when pre-washing your undies is an absolute must:

Sensitive Skin and Allergies

If you have sensitive skin or are prone to allergies, washing your new underwear is crucial to avoid any irritation or reactions.

By washing them first, you’ll remove any chemical residues or potential allergens that could trigger skin issues.

It’s also worth considering using a gentle, fragrance-free detergent to further protect your skin.

Shopping Secondhand

When you buy underwear from thrift stores or consignment shops, you’ll definitely want to give them a thorough wash.

These items have been previously worn and may contain traces of sweat, body oils, or even detergent residue from the previous owner.

Learn more about how thrift stores handle donations by checking out our article on does Goodwill wash clothes.

Trying on Underwear in Stores

If you’ve tried on underwear in a fitting room, it’s a good idea to wash them before wearing them. Even if they had a protective liner, bacteria and germs can still be transferred to the fabric.

Washing your new underwear ensures that they’re fresh and clean before they come into contact with your skin.

Traveling or Staying in Hotels

If you’re traveling and have purchased new underwear, washing them before use is essential.

Your luggage may have come into contact with various surfaces, and there’s a chance that your new underwear could be exposed to bacteria or germs.

Additionally, if you’re staying in a hotel, it’s best to wash your new underwear to avoid any potential contamination from hotel surfaces.

Compromised Immune System

If you have a weakened immune system due to illness or medical treatments, it’s particularly important to wash your new underwear before wearing them.

By doing so, you’ll reduce the risk of exposure to germs or bacteria that could potentially lead to infection.

Quick Tips for Washing New Underwear

Now that you know the importance of washing your new underwear, here are some quick tips to make the process as easy as possible:

Check the care label: Always read the care label on your underwear to ensure you’re following the correct washing instructions.

Sort by color: To prevent colors from bleeding, sort your underwear by color and wash similar colors together.

Consider hand-washing: For delicate fabrics, consider hand-washing your underwear to help maintain their shape and quality.

Learn how to hand wash your underwear with our helpful guide.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I properly wash new underwear?

To properly wash new underwear, always read and follow the care label instructions. Sort the underwear by color to prevent bleeding and use a gentle detergent if you have sensitive skin. Hand-wash delicate fabrics or use a laundry bag for extra protection in the washing machine.

Can I wash my new underwear with other clothes?

Yes, you can wash new underwear with other clothes, as long as you sort them by color and follow the washing instructions on the care label. However, it’s best to wash new underwear separately or with a smaller load the first time to ensure any chemical residues or dyes don’t transfer to other garments.

How do I know if my skin is sensitive to chemicals in new underwear?

If you experience itching, redness, or irritation after wearing new underwear, your skin might be sensitive to the chemicals present in the fabric. It’s important to always pre-wash your underwear before wearing them to minimize the risk of irritation.

Is it necessary to wash new underwear that comes in sealed packaging?

Yes, even if the underwear comes in sealed packaging, it’s still a good idea to wash them before wearing them. Sealed packaging doesn’t guarantee that the underwear is free of chemicals, germs, or dust from the manufacturing and storage process.

How often should I wash my underwear?

It’s recommended to wash your underwear after each wear. This helps maintain hygiene and prevents the buildup of bacteria, sweat, and body oils.

What type of detergent should I use to wash my new underwear?

Use a mild detergent, preferably fragrance-free and hypoallergenic, to wash your new underwear. This type of detergent is gentle on the skin and helps prevent irritation or allergies.

Can I use fabric softener when washing new underwear?

It’s best to avoid using fabric softener on new underwear, as it can leave a residue on the fabric, which may irritate, especially those with sensitive skin. Instead, consider using white vinegar as a natural alternative to soften the fabric without causing irritation.

Final Thoughts

Now that you’re equipped with all the information you need, go ahead and give your new underwear a good wash before slipping into them.

Not only will you feel more confident knowing they’re fresh and clean, but you’ll also be protecting your skin from any potential irritants.

Happy washing!